

Human Research Ethics Committees (HRECs)

Role of HRECs

Our Human Research Ethics Committees (HRECs) are designed to review and where appropriate, approve and monitor human research projects. In doing so, each HREC also ensures that “all types of research involving or impacting on humans conform to the highest ethical standards of practice and academic integrity”.

Bellberry is certified to review clinical drug trials, social science and observational studies. We can also assist when there might be disagreement about clearly defining research versus quality assurance activities. The role of the HREC is to ensure participant interests are considered, especially where interventions are proposed that may incur risks, suffering or inconvenience. As occurs in clinical research, patients/participants should be provided with relevant information to enable them to determine if they wish to be involved in quality assurance activity.

Bellberry currently manages 12 Human Research Ethics Committees. We can hold up to 13 HREC meetings per month and can hold additional meetings when required. Please contact Bellberry before submitting your documents if you have specific time frames.

Bellberry holds meetings every Wednesday evening. Submission of study documentation must occur via eProtocol two weeks before a meeting.

Click here to access the Bellberry HREC Terms of Reference.

Our Chairs and Deputy Chairs

The Bellberry HREC’s are chaired by:

  • A/Professor Mark Slee, Flinders University and Senior Consultant Neurologist in the Southern Adelaide Local Health Network (SALHN)
  • Dr Michael James, Chief Medical Scientist, Rheumatology Unit, Royal Adelaide Hospital (retired 2021), Professor, Dept of Medicine, The University of Adelaide (retired 2017)
  • Dr Barry Chatterton, Associate Professor within the Discipline of Medicine at University of Adelaide (retired), Senior Director Nuclear Medicine Royal Adelaide Hospital and Physician in Nuclear Medicine in private practice (both retired)
  • Dr Jeff Karrasch, Consultant Physician, St. Vincents Hospital Northside and North West Private Hospitals, Brisbane
  • Senior Professor Annette Braunack-Mayer, Head, School of Health & Society and Professorial Fellow, Australian Centre for Health Engagement, Evidence and Values (ACHEEV), Faculty of the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Wollongong NSW
  • Professor Ben Canny, Director, Medical Education, University of Adelaide & Adjunct Professor, Monash University
  • Ms June Challen, Senior Pharmacist – Investigational Drugs, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Central Adelaide Local Health Network
  • A/Professor Michael Ward, Discipline Leader: Pharmacy Education, Professorial Lead: Pharmacy and Biosciences, Clinical and Health Sciences, University of South Australia
  • Reverend Jennifer Hughes, Executive Officer, Mission Resourcing, Uniting Church in Australia, Synod of South Australia
  • Professor Andrew McLachlan AM, Head of School and Dean of Pharmacy, Sydney Pharmacy School, University of Sydney

Bellberry HREC Deputy Chairs are:

  • Professor James Toouli AM, Emeritus Professor of Surgery Flinders University, Adelaide, South Australia
  • Professor Paula Swatman, Professor of Information Systems (retired 2016)