
Bellberry Approach

Bellberry has been providing multi-centre ethical reviews since 2005.

One of our unique capabilities is the review of multi-centre research. Since 2005, Bellberry has been providing review of multi-centre research, which enables the one study to receive one review only. For example, in 2015, we reviewed 116 multi-centre research projects conducted at 470 sites. This reduction in duplication is recognised as an important aspect of supporting clinical trials in Australia.

  • Bellberry have over 10 years experience with multi-centre trials.
  • Bellberry can handle multi-centre structures flexibly: either where a single site is nominated to undertake Lead site responsibilities, or where individual sites retain responsibility for their own submissions and reporting.
  • Experience in handling structures from 2 to 22.
  • Experience in supporting Australian sites as part of Global multi-centres.
  • Single ethical review: where additional sites wish to join a study, the protocol does not need to be re-reviewed, though each will require a site-specific review.
  • Discounts apply for 2nd and subsequent sites (see Our Fees)
  • eProtocol streamlines the entire process.

Please see BA G1 Submission requirements and responsibilities for further information