
Thursday 9th November, The Science Exchange, Adelaide

The topic for the evening was Cancer Immunotherapy and the Gardasil Story both presented by Professor Ian Frazer AC. 

Professor Ian Frazer AC was trained as a renal physician and clinical immunologist in Edinburgh Scotland, and immigrated to Australia in 1985. In 1991, along with Chinese colleague, Dr Jian Zhou, he developed the virus-like particle technology which has become the basis of vaccines to prevent cervical cancer. Dr Frazer was founder CEO and Director of Research of the newly created Translational Research Institute in Brisbane, Australia. He now pursues research on skin cancer and on immunotherapy for cancer as head of the cancer immunotherapy program at TRI.

Dr Frazer provided an interesting and thought provoking talk on cancer immunotherapy and the Gardasil story. The event was extremely well received with over 60 people, many from interstate, in attendance.  Many thanks to all our members for their invaluable input and to our guest speaker who made the session  both entertaining and stimulating.