
CT:IQ will be formally launched by Minister Hunt and Minister Cash on Wednesday 16 May at the Royal Melbourne Hospital from 10.30am. This event is a collaborative effort and will launch CT:IQ, celebrate the ACTA Clinical Trial of the Year Awards and launch the NHMRC consumer engagement campaign. This will be followed by a CT:IQ lunchtime symposium. Registration is free but numbers are strictly limited: https://acta_awards_2018.eventbrite.com.au

The CI:TQ consortium’s mission is “to develop and implement recommendations that will improve the impact, quality and efficiency of clinical trials, leading to more rapid, lower cost and higher quality evaluation of healthcare interventions in Australia”. CT:IQ will drive performance and impact improvements in Australian Clinical Trials; together we will be Thinking Smarter about Clinical Trials.

Rebecca Trowman is the new programme manager at Bellberry leading the initiative. Rebecca has previously worked as a senior policy officer in the Western Australia Department of Health, and as a technical adviser and consultant to the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) in the UK. She is also currently working with Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi) on delivering their policy forum series and managing the HTAi interest groups. Her roles have included initiation of a disinvestment work program, workforce and service planning and state-based HTA of health technologies. She has also conducted and supervised the production of HTA appraisals; provided scientific advice to pharmaceutical companies; contributed to the review of the NICE methods guide and represented NICE at international conferences and training events.

Rebecca holds an MSc in Health Services Research and a BSc in mathematics and statistics, and has formal training in systematic reviewing and health economics.

For more information on CT:IQ please contact Rebecca [email protected]