Questions to Ask
Prior to you deciding whether to take part in the study or not, the study doctor, or a member of the study team, should discuss all aspects of the study with you and give you an opportunity to ask questions and have them satisfactorily answered. You may like to consider asking the study doctor some of the following:
- How frequently will I be required to go to the doctors or clinic?
- What kinds of test or examinations will I have to undergo during the study?
- How long will I have to stay at the doctors or clinic for any tests/examinations, and what is involved in each?
- Will I have to stay in hospital? If so, for how long and how often?
- What will I have to pay for and how much will it cost? Will my health insurance cover any of the costs?
- Will there be any follow-up and what will it involve?
- What will happen when the study finishes?
- Are there any other treatment options I can consider? How do they compare with the treatment being studied?
- Does the treatment being tested have any side effects? If so, what are they and how serious and severe?
- How do these side effects compare with side effects of standard treatment?
- What’s the duration of the study (i.e. how long will it go on for)?
If you are still unsure whether to participate in a trial please visit our Information to Consider page.