How to make a complaint
Bellberry is committed to ensuring that any person or organisation using services provided by Bellberry or affected by its operations has the right to lodge a complaint and to have their concerns addressed in ways that ensure access and equity, fairness, accountability and transparency as per the National Statement on Ethical Conduct Chapter 5.6.
Bellberry addresses complaints via frontline resolution where possible and undertakes further investigation as required.
Complaints received by Bellberry HRECs may concern:
- the Bellberry HREC processes
- the Bellberry HREC decision
- the nature or content of a Bellberry HREC approved research study
- the conduct of a researcher
- how the study is being conducted
- other research issues, unrelated to the Bellberry HREC
Complaints received by the Bellberry HREC may be initiated by:
- researchers, including researchers involved in the approved or other studies
- research participants or their relatives or other concerned parties
- institutions, organisations or other individuals with a direct or indirect interest in research approved by Bellberry.
In accordance with the internal Bellberry complaints management procedure, Bellberry will:
- acknowledge the complaint,
- investigate the complaint and coordinate an outcome between relevant parties
- seek external advice where a resolution cannot be reached,
- record the outcome of the complaint
Contact details for complaints:
Bellberry Limited
123 Glen Osmond Road, Eastwood, South Australia, 5063
08 8361 3222
[email protected]