
Bellberry has two objectives: to protect the welfare of human research participants and to improve the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of research. 

In 2017 we worked with a number of partner organisations to imagine a structure to address the question of Continuous Improvement in the Australian Clinical Research sector.  Our founding co-partners include the Australian Clinical Trials Alliance (ACTA), the George Institute, and NHMRC Clinical Trials Centre.  Bellberry were successful in attracting co-funding from the Pharmaceutical sector growth centre (MTPConnect) to establish a 2-year pilot programme to explore this idea.

The project is due to launch at the start of April and it will be funded for 6 improvement projects.  Those specific projects are yet to be finalised, but will be in areas such as Participant Information and Consent, Governance, Big Data and Health Ethics, Novel Trial Structures and Facilitating Multi-Centre Trials.

To assist with the establishment and launch of the initiative, I am delighted to announce we have appointed Rebecca Trowman Day to act as the Programme Manager. Rebecca has a Health Science and Epidemiology background.  She has spent the last 10 years in global policy and scientific advisor roles to the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (the UK authority better known as NICE), Health Technology Assessment International (HTAi) and the WA Chief Medical Officer. We welcome Rebecca to the Bellberry team and look forward to the project launch.

Kylie Sproston – Bellberry CEO