Due to the recent addition of Early Phase Clinical Trial (EPCT) reviews for NSW public health sites, organic business growth and in preparation for future growth, Bellberry has recently externally advertised and recruited to a number of new roles, several of which have been successfully filled internally.
Member Coordinator
Congratulations to HREC Administrator Molly Wundenburg who has been appointed as Member Coordinator. Molly will work closely with Cathy Stevens liaising with, supporting and co-ordinating over 100 HREC members ensuring that they have all that they need to provide high-quality HREC reviews, along with our ongoing commitment to the recruitment of new members.
IT Operations and Systems Administrator
HREC Administrator Paul Smith will be joining the IT team as IT Operations and Systems Administrator to assist in supporting the businesses key functions including communication, data management, HREC submission and review and data analysis.
Both Molly and Paul have begun transitioning into their new roles and will continue to do so in the New Year.
Team Leaders
Joining Sally Sims, HREC Administrator Margaret Jelbart was successful in obtaining the position of Team Leader. Margaret commenced the role last month and brings all her previous research and governance experience, as well as a great knowledge of Bellberry processes to the role. Sheree Brozyna has also joined the Team Leader trio. Sheree comes to Bellberry having worked for a number of years as a forensic scientist. Her research, quality and analytics experience will be a great asset to the team bringing a valuable diversity of experience.

Quality Officer
We are delighted to announce that HREC Administrator Kate Fulton has recently been appointed as our new Quality Officer. After external advertising, Kate was the successful candidate amongst a strong field of applicants. Kate will be joining the Quality team early in the New Year.
Many congratulations to everyone in their new roles!