Bellberry Applications (BA)
Once you have determined your research pathway, you are ready to apply to Bellberry. This area includes guidance and forms that cover most facets of what is required for your application.
Please see here for guidance on how to use eProtocol
BA F1.1.1
BA F1.1.5
BA F1.1.7
BA F1.1.11
BA F1.1.12
BA F1.1.17
BA F1.1.18
BA F1.1.19
Submission requirements and responsibilitiesBA F1.1.1
BA F1.1.5
BA F1.1.7
BA F1.1.11
BA F1.1.12
BA F1.1.17
BA F1.1.18
BA F1.1.19
Submission requirements checklist
eProtocol application questions
HREC process flowchart
Delegation of responsibility template
Site-specific clauses template
PICF submission pathways
EPCT submission pathways
REGIS application checklist
BA F5.1.1
BA F5.1.2
BA F5.1.3
BA F5.1.4
BA F5.1.5
BA F5.1.6
PICF development including eConsentBA F5.1.1
BA F5.1.2
BA F5.1.3
BA F5.1.4
BA F5.1.5
BA F5.1.6
Photographic Release Consent
Sample Consent Form
Third-Party Form
Revocation of consent
NHMRC PICF – Bellberry requirements
Standard Clauses – compensation for injury
BA G13
BA F13.1.1
BA F13.1.2
BA F13.1.3
BA F13.1.4
Ionising RadiationBA F13.1.1
BA F13.1.2
BA F13.1.3
BA F13.1.4
Standard clauses – ionising radiation
Standard imaging – definitions
Standard of care declaration- template
HREC reporting flow chart – radiation
BA G15
BA F15.1.1
BA F15.1.2
BA F15.1.3
BA F15.1.4
Insurance and indemnitiesBA F15.1.1
BA F15.1.2
BA F15.1.3
BA F15.1.4
Insurance and indemnities FAQ
MA Clinical HREC Indemnity (1 Oct 2012)
MTAA Device HREC Indemnity (10 April 2024)
Bellberry non-clinical HREC indemnity